天人 发表于 2003-6-18 15:57

Originally posted by sharkeater at 2003-6-18 03:54 PM:


明白... :)


外貨為替 发表于 2003-6-18 15:58

1.1700 can support EUR/USD in 4 hours,after 11 o`clock this night,the price could be even fall to 1.1680.

sheldon 发表于 2003-6-18 16:02

Oh, my money!

听了几位高手的分析才在1.177左右set a lot.
But now I'm getting the bad lot too. When can get back my money???
Maybe this weekend? Or next week?

sharkeater 发表于 2003-6-18 16:03

我观察到了小时图欧元有转机的迹象,KDJ 指标与汇价底背离。
如欧元能顶住这一冲击波, 相信会重新上试高位阻力。

sharkeater 发表于 2003-6-18 16:04

小时图, 欧元出现黎明之星

外貨為替 发表于 2003-6-18 16:05

I tell you.

Sheldon,i give you my E-mail to you.I will tell you some idear to slove your problem.


天人 发表于 2003-6-18 16:07

Originally posted by sharkeater at 2003-6-18 04:04 PM:
小时图, 欧元出现黎明之星

什麼是黎明之星? 會回升?

sharkeater 发表于 2003-6-18 16:08

小时图, 欧元出现黎明之星, 等待市场下一小时进一步证实

tigerbite 发表于 2003-6-18 16:11


外貨為替 发表于 2003-6-18 16:11

it will be keep in 1.1740-1.1780,and then fall to 1.1700
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查看完整版本: 今天欧元空头蓄意而来, 密切注意欧元支撑被破