xiangxiang 发表于 2003-12-6 01:17


大山 发表于 2003-12-6 01:35


短线也许有新高 .但不会超过1.2200的!菱形的突破点在1.2070左右. 按量副也在1,2180就可以满足了! 我还是认为这只是头部的调整! 汇价有很大的可能很快落到1.2080附近.我再观察一会而就知道了.但我不建议今天空欧 ,毕竟有新高. 再说是周五!

changhao33 发表于 2003-12-6 01:39


t-cat 发表于 2003-12-6 01:43

Originally posted by 大山 at 2003-12-6 01:35:
短线也许有新高 .但不会超过1.2200的!菱形的突破点在1.2070左右. 按量副也在1,2180就可以满足了! 我还是认为这只是头部的调整! 汇价有很大的可能很快落到1.2080附近.我再观察一会而就知道了.但我不建议今天空欧 ...


蜀山劍俠 发表于 2003-12-6 01:44


大山 发表于 2003-12-6 01:46


你很好!谢! 我的电脑好用了!

t-cat 发表于 2003-12-6 01:47

Originally posted by 蜀山劍俠 at 2003-12-6 01:44:


phillip 发表于 2003-12-6 01:49

Originally posted by 大山 at 2003-12-6 01:35 AM:
短线也许有新高 .但不会超过1.2200的!菱形的突破点在1.2070左右. 按量副也在1,2180就可以满足了! 我还是认为这只是头部的调整! 汇价有很大的可能很快落到1.2080附近.我再观察一会而就知道了.但我不建议今天空欧 ...

山兄, 头部整理有可能, 但这个菱形, 明显已经破坏了.

蜀山劍俠 发表于 2003-12-6 01:54

Sell US equities, buy the US dollar!
My position for the next month or so is to liquidate US equities, and to go long on the US dollar and bonds.


Short term, commodities including gold, equities and the Euro seem to be somewhat overbought, while the US dollar and bonds are becoming oversold. Therefore, my bet for the next month or so is to liquidate US equities, and to go long on the US dollar and bonds.

What worries me most at present is that even I, a skeptic, can't find any good reason why stock markets around the world would decline significantly.

That's not to say there aren't a lot of issues that concern me and which I shall discuss below. But if central bankers around the world are prepared to print money and to flood the system with unlimited liquidity at the first sign of weakness in the asset markets, then it is difficult to make a very bearish case for either US real estate or US equities in dollar terms.

We know Mr. Bush wants to be re-elected at any cost, and that therefore, over the next 12 months, he and his lackeys at the Fed and the Treasury will only take economic policy measures that are designed to keep the American public happy with 'circus and pane'. This economic policy was practiced for centuries by the Roman emperors and was designed to keep the lower classes of society in good spirits and obedient..................

[ Last edited by 蜀山劍俠 on 2003-12-6 at 01:36 AM ]

大山 发表于 2003-12-6 01:55

山兄, 头部整理有可能, 但这个菱形, 明显已经破坏了.

你是否注意到, 要是正个的看头部是个到三角,就是喇叭形, 就是我们常说的扩张三角型!次形态是典型的头部标志. 还是联系起来看!
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