sharkeater 发表于 2003-4-14 00:18

抛砖引玉: 从欧元天图测近期走向

上周欧元反弹被限制在由1.1084连接1.0957的下降线下, 动能明显不足, 继周四收出一近视于朝天星的阳烛线,周五又走出一没顶的阴烛线。 RSI挣扎向上,在其下降线压制下又掉头向下,likely to form a up failure swing, MACD(12,26,9) continues moving under zero line, tending to decline.KD indicator looks like to form a hinge that is a warning to reverse. SMA10 (1.0781) line could fast decline if next couple of day could not be close above 1.0800, to push the price down to seek lower supports, which could be first 1.0660/70, 1.0590/00, then 1.0500. SMA30 (1.0787) tends to decline though slowly, which also gives the price downside movement pressure.The only good signal for possible upside is SMA5 tends to ascend but will be failure if close below 1.0700 on next Monday.

Thus, it is very likely to see:
1. 1.0660/70 on Monday or early Tue
2. if so, will test the support strength of the bottom line of triangle (extending line from 1.0498 to 1.0559, also SMA100), located near 1.0590/1.0600
3. if Euro could not rebound from the support line to stay above 1.0700/30 (which could be SMA10 on Wes.), the support line will be retested immediately and likely to be broken
4. Once broken the bottom support line, 1.0400/50 will be a very attractive target to sellers.

Give your comments and advices, thanks.

sharkeater 发表于 2003-4-14 02:34


小时图预示欧元倾向先于测试1。0700, 因为欧元的从1.0690/00的反弹一直被压制在50小时平均线下。因此:

1。 周一亚洲汇市倾向于震荡下测1。0700, 欧洲和美洲汇市将会测试1。0660/70的支撑力度。
2。 如果周一收市于1.0700以下,周二很可能继续震荡下测1。0660/70,破位后将加速下降到1。0590/1。0600。
3。 欧元很可能在此获得买盘支撑而反弹而延续一至两天的震荡走势(1.0600-1。0750),
4。 By the weekend or early of the next week, Euro will test 1.0590/00 support again, likely broken then continues downside movement.

sharkeater 发表于 2003-4-14 02:55

Elliote wave development and the movement of Dow and DAX index, Dow to 8000 and DAX to 2450/2500 (DAX weaker), may confirm the suggestion upside.

Another type of movement next couple of weeks could not be ruled out: Euro continues its movement within the triangle (1.0600 - 1.0830), it seems to me not consistent with current wave development.

mai 发表于 2003-4-14 03:38



sharkeater 发表于 2003-4-14 04:23

Originally posted by mai at 2003-4-14 08:38 AM:

对不起,当然不是这意思。 十多年不用中文,加之早期受教育时拼音训练不够,非常生疏,请原凉。

我的看法是: 欧元倾向先于测试1。0700和1.0660/70, 以后1.0590/1。0600,破位后再继续震荡下测1。0500, 1。0450。 时间为2-3周。操桌上,现可进场沽,今天先看1。0670, 明后天看1.0600出场。 如果1。0590/1。0600支撑强, 反手1.0610进欧元, 看1。0720/50。 1。0720出场后反手沽欧元,先看1。0590/1。0600。   

Welcome to any question and comment.

mai 发表于 2003-4-14 06:49



sharkeater 发表于 2003-4-14 07:27


落花流水 发表于 2003-4-14 09:30

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