外汇论坛 外兔财经



发表于 2006-3-20 13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
日期  时刻  国家  指标  时段  前值  预测值  
3/20  0001  UK  Rightmove house prices MoM  Mar  2.7%  n/a  
3/20  0001  UK  Rightmove house prices YoY  Mar  4.0%  n/a  
3/20  0700  Germany  Producer prices MoM  Feb  1.2%  0.2%  
3/20  0700  Germany  Producer prices YoY  Feb  5.6%  5.3%  
3/20  0700  Japan  Convenience store sales YoY  Feb  -3.2%  n/a  
3/20  0815  Switzerland  Industrial production QoQ  4Q  -3.4%  6.5%  
3/20  0815  Switzerland  Industrial production YoY  4Q  2.8%  3.3%  
3/20  0930  UK  Public sector net borrowing  Feb  -12.6 bio  1.0 bio  
3/20  1330  Canada  International securities transactions  Jan  CAD -4.160 bio  CAD 3.0 bio  
3/20  1500  US  Leading indicators  Feb  1.1%  -0.3%  
3/20  1600  US  Fed's Minehan speaks on the economy     
3/20  1710  US  Fed's Yellen speaks     
3/20  3/20  NZ  Visitor arrivals  Feb  0.3%  n/a  
3/21  0000  US  Fed's Bernanke speaks to Econ. Club of NYC     
3/21  0030  Australia  Dwelling starts  4Q  -5.0%  -2.7%  
3/21  0715  Switzerland  Trade balance  Feb  1.12 bio  1.11 bio  
3/21  0745  France  Consumer spending Mom  Feb  0.9%  0.3%  
3/21  0745  France  Consumer spending YoY  Feb  2.5%  3.2%  
3/21  0815  Switzerland  Producer & Import prices MoM  Feb  0.2%  0.1%  
3/21  0815  Switzerland  Producer & import prices YoY  Feb  1.7%  1.4%  
3/21  0930  UK  CPI MoM  Feb  -0.5%  0.3%  
3/21  0930  UK  CPI YoY  Feb  1.9%  2.0%  
3/21  0930  UK  Core CPI YoY  Feb  1.3%  1.3%  
3/21  1000  EC  Bundebank's Weber annual press conf.     
3/21  1330  US  PPI MoM  Feb  0.3%  -0.2%  
3/21  1330  US  PPI YoY  Feb  5.7%  4.8%  
3/21  1330  US  PPI core ex-F&E MoM  Feb  0.4%  0.1%  
3/21  1330  US  PPI core ex-F&E YoY  Feb  1.5%  1.6%  
3/21  1330  Canada  Retail sales MoM  Jan  0.3%  0.9%  
3/21  1330  Canada  Retail sales ex-autos Mom  Jan  0.4%  1.0%  
3/21  1330  Canada  Leading indicators MoM  Feb  0.5%  0.5%  
3/21  2200  US  ABC consumer confidence  w/e 3/20  -8  n/a  
3/22  0000  Australia  Skilled vacancies MoM  Mar  -0.7%  n/a  
3/22  0930  UK  Bank of England minutes released     
3/22  1000  EC  Eurozone trade balance  Jan  -0.9 bio  -4.5 bio  
3/22  1000  EC  Eurozone trade balance  Jan  -2.4 bio  -2.3 bio  
3/22  1000  EC  Industrial new orders MoM  Jan  2.5%  -0.2%  
3/22  1000  EC  Industrial new orders YoY  Jan  7.1%  11.4%  
3/22  1200  US  MBA mortgage applications  w/e 3/17  -0.2%  n/a  
3/22  1230  UK  Chancellor Brown's budget statement     
3/22  1330  Canada  Bank of Canada Sr. Dep. Gov. speaks     
3/22  2245  NZ  Current account balance  4Q  -5.071 bio  -3.723 bio  
3/22  2350  Japan  Merchandise trade balance total  Feb  JPY -351.0 bio  JPY 1061.9 bio  
3/22  2350  Japan  Adjusted merchandise trade balance  Feb  JPY 572 bio  JPY 668 bio  
3/23  0300  Japan  BOJ MPC's Nakahara speaks     
3/23  1100  UK  CBI industrial trends  Mar  n/a  n/a  
3/23  0900  EC  Eurozone current account  Jan  -5.3 bio  n/a  
3/23  0900  EC  Eurozone current account nsa  Jan  -0.3 bio  n/a  
3/23  1330  US  Weekly jobless claims  w/e 3/18  309K  304K  
3/23  1330  US  Continuing claims  w/e 3/11  2.445 mio  n/a  
3/23  1500  EC  ECB's Mersch speaks     
3/23  1500  US  Existing home sales  Feb  6.56 mio  6.50 mio  
3/23  1700  Switzerland  SNB's Hildebrand & Jordan speak     
3/23  1930  EC  ECB's Trichet speaks     
3/23  2245  NZ  GDP QoQ  4Q  0.2%  0.2%  
3/23  2350  Japan  Tertiary index Mom  Jan  0.2%  1.3%  
3/23  2350  Japan  All-industry index MoM  Jan  0.4%  1.0%  
3/24  0530  Japan  Nationwide dept. store sales YoY  Feb  -0.4%  n/a  
3/24  0700  Germany  Import price index MoM  Feb  0.9%  0.2%  
3/24  0700  Germany  Import price index YoY  Feb  6.8%  6.2%  
3/24  0745  France  Wages QoQ  4Q  1.0%  0.5%  
3/24  1330  US  Durable goods orders  Feb  -9.9%  1.2%  
3/24  1330  US  Druable goods orders ex-trans


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