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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
21:55    **美財長Snow歡迎OPEC調高石油產量
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:03 | 显示全部楼层

格老: 必要时将尽一切努力压抑通胀

2004-06-08 22:01

华盛顿 (AFX) - 美国联储局主席格林斯潘称, 该局将循序渐进地调升息率, 但会在必要时尽一切努力压抑通胀。

联储局公开市场委员会(FOMC)上次在5月份议息後表示, 将采用循序渐进的方式加息。

格老向伦敦银行家视像会议的演说中表示, 该结论乃基於联储局就未来几个月及季度的经济前景所作出的预测; 倘预测有误, 联储局准备竭尽所能, 维持物价稳定, 以确保经济持续性增长。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
Greenspan said FOMC prepared to do what required - UPDATE 2  
2004-06-08 22:05

WASHINGTON (AFX) -- Federal Reserve rate hikes are likely to be measured,
but the central bank is "prepared to do what is required" to fight inflation,
Federal Reserve board chairman Alan Greenspan said. The FOMC statement at
their last meeting in May said that Fed rate hikes would be measured. "That
conclusion is based on our current judgment of how economic and financial
forces will evolve in the months and quarters ahead," Greenspan said in a
speech prepared for delivery via satellite to the International Monetary
Conference in London. "Should that judgment prove misplaced, however, the
FOMC is prepared to do what is required to fulfill our obligations to achieve
the maintenance of price stability so as to ensure maximum sustainable
economic growth," he said. Businesses are becoming more confident about the
economy and are now hiring "with some vigor," Greenspan said. At the same
time, many new hires are temporary workers, an indication that "business
caution remains a feature of the economic landscape," he said. Recent
financial indicators, including rapid money growth, "underscore that the FOMC
has provided ample liquidity to the financial system that will become
increasingly unnecessary over time," he said. Financial markets appear
prepared for higher interest rates, unlike 1994, Greenspan said, "though
history cautions that investors' anticipations of the cumulative magnitude of
policy actions and their timing under such circumstances are far from perfect.
" U.S. treasury prices turned lower after Greenspan's comments. The benchmark
10-year note declined 9/32 to 99 19/32, while its yield rose to 4.80 percent
from Monday's close of 4.77 percent. Greenspan said that there has been a
return of pricing power to businesses and the threat of deflation has ended.
Core consumer inflation, as measured by the personal consumption expenditures
index, has increased, Greenspan noted. The core PCE is up 1.4 percent over
the last year ended in May, compared with a 0.8 percent annual increase in
December of last year. But he said cost pressures have been "relatively
subdued." The rise of energy prices is a "worrisome element" that has been a
net drain on the economy and could boost inflation if the high price level
persists. "The recent modest declines in oil and natural gas prices may or
may not signal a trend but are nonetheless welcome," Greenspan said. This
story was supplied by CBSMarketWatch.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
美股早段下跌 / 油价上升及格老言论惹关注  
2004-06-08 22:11

纽约 (AFX) - 交易员称, 油价上升, 拖累周二美股甫开市即下挫。另外, 美国联储局主席格林斯潘的谈话, 亦利淡市场气氛。

格老称, 联储局将循序渐进地调升息率, 但必要时会尽一切努力压抑通胀。投资者忧虑, 此言或意味着该局将采取更积极的加息行动。

美东时间上午10:09, 道指跌30.17点或0.29%, 报10,360.91点;

Nasdaq综指跌7.08点或0.35%, 报2,013.54点;

标普500指数跌3.64点或0.32%, 报1,136.78点。

周一收市, 道指升148点或1.45%, 报10,391点; Nasdaq综指收於全日高位2,020.62点, 升幅42点或2.12%; 标普500指数升18点或1.6%, 报1,140.42点。

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
2004-06-08 22:16
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:21 | 显示全部楼层

Greenspan said FOMC prepared to do what required - UPDATE 3

2004-06-08 22:18

WASHINGTON (AFX) -- Federal Reserve rate hikes are likely to be measured,
but the central bank is "prepared to do what is required" to fight inflation,
Federal Reserve board chairman Alan Greenspan said. The FOMC statement at
their last meeting in May said that Fed rate hikes would be measured. "That
conclusion is based on our current judgment of how economic and financial
forces will evolve in the months and quarters ahead," Greenspan said in a
speech prepared for delivery via satellite to the International Monetary
Conference in London. "Should that judgment prove misplaced, however, the
FOMC is prepared to do what is required to fulfill our obligations to achieve
the maintenance of price stability so as to ensure maximum sustainable
economic growth," he said. Businesses are becoming more confident about the
economy and are now hiring "with some vigor," Greenspan said. At the same
time, many new hires are temporary workers, an indication that "business
caution remains a feature of the economic landscape," he said. Recent
financial indicators, including rapid money growth, "underscore that the FOMC
has provided ample liquidity to the financial system that will become
increasingly unnecessary over time," he said. Financial markets appear
prepared for higher interest rates, unlike 1994, Greenspan said, "though
history cautions that investors' anticipations of the cumulative magnitude of
policy actions and their timing under such circumstances are far from perfect.
" U.S. treasury prices turned lower after Greenspan's comments. The benchmark
10-year note declined 9/32 to 99 19/32, while its yield rose to 4.80 percent
from Monday's close of 4.77 percent. See bond report. Greenspan said that
there has been a return of pricing power to businesses and the threat of
deflation has ended. Core consumer inflation, as measured by the personal
consumption expenditures index, has increased, Greenspan noted. The core PCE
is up 1.4 percent over the last year ended in May, compared with a 0.8
percent annual increase in December of last year. But he said cost pressures
have been "relatively subdued." The rise of energy prices is a "worrisome
element" that has been a net drain on the economy and could boost inflation
if the high price level persists. "The recent modest declines in oil and
natural gas prices may or may not signal a trend but are nonetheless welcome,
" Greenspan said.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-8 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
2004-06-08 22:21

三藩市 (AFX) - 油商称, 周二早段, 纽约期油在市场继续评估油组(OPEC)增产决定之际上扬。

油组上周决定, 从7月1日起, 将其每日生产上限调高200万桶, 达2,550万桶, 并从8月1日起, 将该上限进一步调高50万桶, 达2,600万桶。

市场目前静待美国能源部及美国石油协会(API)於周三个别发表上周美国原油库存数据。市场预期, 上周原油及汽油库存皆上升。

纽约7月份期油价格最新升0.14美元或0.4%, 报每桶38.80美元。

周一, 纽约7月份期油收升0.17美元或0.4%, 报每桶38.66美元, 扭转连续三天的跌势。


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