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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 22:33 | 显示全部楼层
NIESR: 英经济增长强劲 / 料英伦银行明加息
2004-06-09 22:29

伦敦 (AFX) - 英国国家经济与社会研究院(NIESR)称, 英国经济的趋势增长率超出其潜在增长率, 故该院预期英伦银行明日将再度调升息率。

NIESR表示, 截至5月底止一季, 英国国内生产总值(GDP)按季增长0.7%, 与该会就截至4月底止一季所估计的0.7%持平。

NIESR指出, 该数据符合其分析意见, 也即英国首季经济出现放缓, 仅是受去年底的快速增长情况影响。

根据政府数据, 英国今年首季增长0.6%, 逊于去年末季的0.9%。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 22:37 | 显示全部楼层
(2004年6月9日彭博電)亞太貸款市場協會(Asia Pacific Loan Market Association)主席PhilipCracknell表示,今年亞洲貸款市場規模可能達到2500億美元,比去年高出1/4,主要是該地區經濟成長帶動企業投資增加所致。


 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
美國4月躉售庫存意外減少 8個月以來首見




 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 22:39 | 显示全部楼层
Bush hopeful for larger NATO role in Iraq  
2004-06-09 22:34

WASHINGTON (AFX) -- President Bush is hopeful the UN Security Council's
decision to unanimously back the interim government in Iraq will lead to a
larger role for NATO forces seeking to create a stable Iraq. "We will work
with our NATO friends to at least continue the role that now exists and
hopefully expand it somewhat; there is going to be some constraints obviously,
" Bush said Wednesday after meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair on
the sidelines of the G-8 summit on Sea Island, off the coast of Georgia. "A
lot of NATO countries are not in a position to commit any more troops, we
fully understand that," Bush added. The Security Council resolution backs the
newly selected interim government, led by Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, and
establishes a U.S.-led multinational coalition of forces to provide security
leading to full elections in Iraq, expected to take place by January. The
United States is scheduled to transfer sovereignty to the interim government
in Iraq on June 30. The unanimous backing is a victory for Bush and Blair,
who convinced Iraq war critics France and Germany, which each have veto
power, to support the resolution. The two nations, deemed "Old Europe" by
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld before the war, agreed to back the measure
after the United States made concessions to allow Iraqis control over their
own troops. The two strongest proponents of the war are hoping to use the UN
vote and the summit to reconcile differences with their allies who opposed
the invasion. "The terrorists and the fanatics and the extremists who are
trying to stop this democracy happening know they've got the whole world
against them," Blair said. The British leader stressed the need for Iraq to
take over control of its own security. "The key next step in this is going
to be for the new Iraqi government to sit down with the multi-national force
and work out how, over time, the Iraqi capability for security can be
established and built up," Blair said. Bush said he was looking forward to
meeting newly-named Iraqi President Ghazi al-Yawer later Wednesday. "I'm also
going to tell him that when we say transfer full sovereignty, we mean
transfer full sovereignty," Bush said, adding "he is the president of a
sovereign nation."
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 22:41 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
能源部: 美上周原油库存升40万桶 / 汽油升210万 / 蒸馏油跌60万  
2004-06-09 22:43

三藩市 (AFX) - 美国能源部公布, 截至6月4日止一周, 美国原油库存按周上升40万桶, 达3.021亿桶; 汽油库存上升210万桶, 达2.064亿桶; 蒸馏油库存则下跌60万桶, 达1.083亿桶。

消息公布後, 纽约7月原油期货价格跌0.78美元, 报每桶36.50美元; 纽约7月无铅汽油期货价格跌3.43美仙, 报每加仑1.132美元。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 23:05 | 显示全部楼层
22:58 *标普500指数跌6点, 报1,136
22:57 *道指跌40点, 报10,392
22:57 *NASDAQ综指跌16点, 报2,008
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 23:08 | 显示全部楼层
Bush hopeful for larger NATO role in Iraq - UPDATE 1  
2004-06-09 23:04

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AFX) -- President Bush is hopeful the UN Security
Council's decision to unanimously back the interim government in Iraq will
lead to a larger role for NATO forces seeking to create a stable Iraq. "We
will work with our NATO friends to at least continue the role that now exists
and hopefully expand it somewhat; there is going to be some constraints
obviously," Bush said Wednesday after meeting with British Prime Minister
Tony Blair on the sidelines of the G-8 summit on Sea Island, off the coast of
Georgia. "A lot of NATO countries are not in a position to commit any more
troops, we fully understand that," Bush added. The Security Council
resolution backs the newly selected interim government, led by Prime Minister
Iyad Allawi, and establishes a U.S.-led multinational coalition of forces to
provide security leading to full elections in Iraq, expected to take place by
January. The United States is scheduled to transfer sovereignty to the
interim government in Iraq on June 30. The unanimous backing is a victory for
Bush and Blair, who convinced Iraq war critics France and Germany, which each
have veto power, to support the resolution. The two nations, deemed "Old
Europe" by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld before the war, agreed to back
the measure after the United States made concessions to allow Iraqis control
over their own troops. The two strongest proponents of the war are hoping to
use the UN vote and the summit to reconcile differences with their allies who
opposed the invasion. "The terrorists and the fanatics and the extremists who
are trying to stop this democracy happening know they've got the whole world
against them," Blair said. The British leader stressed the need for Iraq to
take over control of its own security. "The key next step in this is going
to be for the new Iraqi government to sit down with the multi-national force
and work out how, over time, the Iraqi capability for security can be
established and built up," Blair said. Bush said he was looking forward to
meeting newly-named Iraqi President Ghazi al-Yawer later Wednesday. "I'm also
going to tell him that when we say transfer full sovereignty, we mean
transfer full sovereignty," Bush said, adding "he is the president of a
sovereign nation."
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 23:13 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-9 23:14 | 显示全部楼层





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